Friday 27 November 2015

Planning - Writing A Treatment For Your Chosen Opening

treatment for the opening 2 minutes (including titles) of ‘The Unknown’ by Alpha Productions

The film opens with alternating cuts of various establishing shots and opening Titles excluding the 
characters involved in bold sharp white font. After the final titles has been shot it will fade into to sky 
from a white screen; this then pans down into an establishing shot of west coast high school and
when the school is in frame, non-diegetic sound of a school bell ringing will come in to the scene.

This cuts to a long shot of the corridor, cuts to a long shot of Kai in the corridor by his locker, 
then it cuts to a mid-shot of Kai by his locker pulling out books, then this cuts to a mid-shot of 
Kai closing a locker then a tracking out shot of him and his three friends walking through the corridor
to their classroom.

After this they enter the classroom with a mid-shot of them going to sit down in their free period. 
As half an hour passes by Alisha, Sarah and Jermaine decide to go the canteen while Kai carries
on to study, Kai then notices something mysterious about the room he is working in, the lights tend
 to flicker continuously and the screen turns on automatically. This cuts a close up shot of Kai’s face
getting worried and non- diegetic sound slowing coming in. both odd occurrences stop for a while
and Kai gets back to work as he thinks it was just a faulty with electricity.

Suddenly a very loud bang is heard from behind him. He turns his head and as he turns it cuts
to the other direction to show him looking at what the noise was from the other side. All Kai sees
is a door with a sign saying “Do Not Enter” Eerie music now starts to play as he looks at the
mysterious door. Kai looks around the room to find anything else that could have possibly
made the bang but he found nothing, reassuring him it came from the door. Kai is not
slightly afraid, but his curiosity got the best of him leading him to walk towards the door
slowly with a tracking in shot.

Kai then slowly reaches to open the door, this leads to a long shot of him opening the
 door from inside the room the very dark room, Kai is very surprised of what he sees
 inside and shouts as the eerie music comes to a sudden halt. This then goes to a
 black screen showing the characters acting in the film while the walking dead theme
tune plays throughout to the end where it will subtly fade out.

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