Friday 27 November 2015

The History Of Horror Films


Horror films all began off in 1896 when the film The Devils Castle was released. The movie had reformed the genre of movies everywhere throughout the world, conveying another part of media to the general population. In this early time, The Devils castle didn't have any colour and there was no chance to get of recording voices for dialog, despite the fact that there was piano music playing in the background to create an atmosphere. With the limited resources so early on they were only able to record the movie for just over 3 minutes. Overall the movie did not really portray any fear in my opinion, but it may have to people 100 years ago.


In 1910 the first form of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" had been created, this movie additionally proceeded with a portion of the aspects found in The Devils Castle including it having no character voice sound and piano music being played out of sight to further offer the viewer some understanding. despite the fact that in 1910 they compensated for no character voice by including a casing after each scene quickly clarifying the occasions that have occurred in that the scene comparing to it. They likewise figured out how to include an orange tint all through the film, however this pattern did not keep going long. The short film was made 4 times longer than in 1900, yet at the same time did not give me any fear. This clearly demonstrates that our era has an alternate perspective of what was accepted to be terrifying


In 1920s turned into significantly more well known as a few more films were made, in 1922 a famous film named Nosferatu was made and it shared every one of the perspectives from the 1910s, for example, the casing clarifying the story and no character voice, however they didn't utilize shading, this may have been to make an impact and better set mood for the film. This film could keep running for an astounding 90 minutes, and as I would see it was the scariest out of the movies so far as the story was more clarified and the awful character watched strange.


The 1930s was a big year for horror as never forgotten classics were made such as several versions and sequels of Frankenstein were made, Dracula, The Mummy, King Kong and many more. For this example of how horror movies were like in the 1930s I will use another version of Frankenstein to compare. In 1931 was when it was made and this year introduced character voice to movies, which really changed how people would view movies, although the movie was still in black in white it was still self-explanatory in terms of explaining the story to the audience, this helped provide a better understanding of the film which increased the chance of someone experiencing fear as they now know what is going on.


In the 1940s films were similar to the earlier decade I terms of film production (no shading voice and sound). A famous film made in 1944 was the mummy's curse which was more centered around the extraordinary and gave more fear to individuals, as they were not accustomed to it, and it is realized that you are more apprehensive of the things you don't know about. In the 1940's movies truly begun to advance to show something unnerving.


In the 1950s horror movies showed a lot of villains that were out of the norm, such as the blob, a creature from a lagoon and demons. This continues on from the 1940s aspect of giving the audience fear. in 1953 a film called The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms was made and its main character was a Godzilla like creature that would cause havoc across a city, this movie was not really a horror compared the examples in the 50 years before them, but for all we know the audience then may have found it terrifying, if that was the case, it really shows how horror has changes over the years.


The 1960s made a dramatic change in horror films as they were now more focused on murdering people and mortifying the characters within the movie including things which are supernatural, creatures that are inhumane and psychopathic. In 1968 a film was released called Night of the Living Dead was made and it involved a lot of killing by the un-dead (zombies), this also involves the common incidents we see today in horror movies such as, running around the house instead of out, and investigating a strange noise.

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