Friday 27 November 2015

Research : The Importance Of Opening Titles

When researching the importance of opening titles I first went onto the website then i looked at opening titles of several movies to get an idea of how they are presented and in which order they show the names of the people that were involved in the making of the film.

I then went on watch the the opening titles of the movie Se7en to do some further research on horror opening titles and learn how they are significant in films

I then took sheets of A4 paper to do my research

Next I wrote down every timestamp of when an opening title appeared on the movie Se7en. From this I learned that there are several openings titles that are used to show all the main people involved in the movie.

Next I explored the typography of opening titles in the movie Se7en by talking about the background, font colour, font type and size. From this I had learned that the style, colour and size of the font really makes a difference to the atmosphere of the movie.

Next I turned off the sound, watched the opening titles of Se7en again and with detailed described all the visual elements I saw excluding the titles themselves. From this I had learned that the things you show in between the titles give a deeper meaning to the movie and gives you a brief idea of what the movie is like

Next I watched the opening titles of Se7en without displaying the actual video and described everything I heard. From this I had learned that the sounds within a opening scene add to the sense of movie, give an emotion to the audience and create a clear atmosphere of the movie.

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