Sunday 10 January 2016

Planning : Considering Mise-en-scene for your opening

If we plan in advance what we want in our film then we know what we will need to get, it will be easy for us to know what each characters outfit will be and things such as lighting will be no problem.we have decided that this is where we will have our opening for our film due to the fact that it looks like a normal classroom with the tables and chairs, its also good because it means we don't have to find props like tables. the cast will wear the set outfit that we choose and this is just normal typical teenager style, we have chosen to go with only natural lighting so we will have to plan around when we can plan because it might rain one day or be too dark to film.

Each member of our cast will wear the clothing of our choice to show they are normal teenage students in their school's sixth form. We have chosen casual clothing as we feel that if our characters are wearing smart suits and like it would be much less believable for our target audience.

For Kai (Craig Burton), we felt that it was vital to illustrate that he is a sixth form student and is just another stereotypical teenager. We will express this through what the character will wear as his costume; which will consist of a white t-shirt, black jacket, black jeans and black trainers; thus suggesting that, along with the character's actions in the intro, that he is defiant and is usually up to no good.
Jermaine (George Hales) we felt that it would suit the character if he wore a costume consisting of jeans, t-shirt and a black jacket, which were items that were easily available to us for use. The reason for this is to illustrate that he and Kai are part of the same social group.
Alisha (Evie Lewis) will wear a costume consisting of a hoodie, white shirt and jeans. The reason for this is that she is a tomboy, which contrasts the costume that Ellie's character wears in the intro.
Sarah (Ellie Allday) will wear a chequered dress with a white long-sleeved shirt underneath and tights. This was to illustrate the idea that she is quite studious; thus contrasting Alisha's costume and actions during the intro for our horror film.
The props will include books, pens, tables, chairs, folders, bags, warning sign, interactive white board, lights, revolving doors and lockers 

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